Posted by Barrett Martin | Jun 30, 2020 |
While the curve certainly appeared to be flattening across the country in May, that is no longer the case. States that weren't impacted as severely as New York or Washington at the outset of this pandemic (nationally), are now becoming the new "hot spots", reflecting a significant resurgence in t...
Posted by Barrett Martin | Dec 31, 2019 |
In a published opinion filed today, the Court of Appeals addressed, among other things, post-judgment interest on past-due child support payments. The case in question, Bauckman v. McLeod, revolved around a father's child support obligation, and years worth of time where father paid a lower amoun...
Posted by Barrett Martin | Aug 27, 2019 |
Before May 1, 2017, parties involved in family court litigation had to ask the court for the ability to engage in discovery. On that date an order went into effect that amended the previous version of the rule that governs discovery in family court litigation: Rule 25, SCRFC. Since that date, hus...
Posted by Barrett Martin | May 04, 2019 |
hen I was in law school, mediation was part of a required course: Alternative Dispute Resolution. Almost immediately, I didn't care for it. I looked at mediation as the antithesis of being a lawyer. I could not understand (then) how everything else that law school had to throw at me could be reco...
Posted by Barrett Martin | Apr 04, 2019 |
The first hearing in family court litigation is typically the temporary hearing. Rule 21, of the South Carolina Rules of Family Court (SCRFC) governs temporary hearings, and the evidence that the family court judge is confined to reviewing during these hearings. Rule 21(b), SCRFC, provides that t...
Posted by Barrett Martin | Mar 22, 2019 |
A lot of times good people figure out at some point that they just do not work well together as a couple. That is not a negative mark on either one of them. They are simply incompatible with one another. A lot of times, too, this realization does not occur to either one of them until after they h...